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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Considerations on the 'War On Terror'

- rob zombie

“Dead I am the one exterminating Son, slipping through the trees, strangling the breeze. . .”

– Rob Zombie, ‘Dragula’ (1998)



A story came out a few days ago at the Huffington Post, about yet another Al Qaeda #3 being killed:   'U.S. Officials: Al Qaeda No. 3 Killed', at

Mustafa Abu al-Yazid (aka Sheik Saeed al-Masri)

Mustafa Abu al-Yazid (aka Sheik Saeed al-Masri)

Moreover, this was yet another one who'd been reported killed before. I've reposted the stories of 'zombie terrorists' several times over the past few years, and i get sick of seeing them.  Anyway, while looking over the comments, The Spirit Of The Lord entered me and moved me to speak. . .and so i did. . .

Observation:  This is why there will never be an end to the 'War On Terror'. . . no terrorist is harder to kill than a zombie terrorist.

As long as one strand of DNA survives, it is able to take in all the necessary elemental requirements to fully reconstitute and regenerate the individual terrorist.  Presently, the only way to effectively isolate and 'de-power' the zombie terrorist is to capture him/her, place the terrorist into a capsule atop a rocket, and shoot said terrorist into the core of the Sun.Even this does not guarantee eradication, however. the sun already contains hydrogen. Through nuclear fusion, the sun creates the other basic elements necessary to the survival of life--carbon, oxygen and nitrogen--and, as fusion continues, elements farther down on the periodic table will be created, eventually reaching iron.

With the formation of elements used to create enzymes, vitamins, hemoglobin and such, the zombie terrorists will be able to reconstitute themselves fully when solar fusion begins to create iron.  Unless immediate action is then taken, we may then  face innumerable zombie terrorists flying to earth from the core of the solar furnace.

At some point in the future, then, it will be necessary to retrieve the zombie terrorists from the solar core and send them into Sagittarius A (the central collapsar or black hole) at the galactic center, located in the constellation of Sagittarius, some ~27,000±1,000 light years away.The Galactic Center as seen by one of the 2MASS infrared telescopes.

One may then say that we are finally 'safe from the terrorist threat'.

Judging by government news releases, we've definite proof that zombies exist. The unfortunate thing is that they're all terrorists, and usually members of al Qaeda. It therefore behooves us to seek more permanent ways to immobilize them, so the troops don't have to kill the same bad guys over and over again.

Besides the members of the original core al Qaeda movement, there are now several splinter or 'tribute' groups, mostly centered on the Middle East, members of which may potentially be spread across the face of the world. It can be conjectured that this is already the case with the original al Qaeda, itself.

Our misclassification of 'insurgents' and similar groups (Iraq, Afghanistan) as 'terrorists' since 2003 has further increased the number of potential zombie terrorists that must be dealt with. Even if we totally withdraw from Iraq, this threat will remain.  In addition, legal definitions (who is an enemy?) made under the previous Administration ensure a constant flow of terrorists, including zombie terrorists. This is especially so since the entire world was declared a battleground, including the United States itself.

Former President George W Bush attempted to make the zombie danger clear in 2007, when he held a press conference and tried to elucidate the threat to America:

Using hindsight, we can now see how prescient Bush was. Several of the terrorists reported as killed have arisen months or years later, only to be captured or killed yet again. If this trend continues, all of the terrorists so far incapacitated will continue to rise by the light of the moon, so that they may further harm the citizens and property of the United States.

As a slight aside, I must note that, to my knowledge, only those zombies previously designated as ‘terrorists’ have resurfaced.  No other individuals killed at the time of ‘death’—friends, family, bystanders, other innocents, etc—have risen again.  Only individuals recognized by the United States/NATO coalition as ‘terrorists’ have been reborn after death.  This leads to some interesting philosophical, political and religious implications for the curious, as regards the nature and possible utility of becoming a terrorist. . .but I digress.

President Barack Obama has claimed to be a Christian. His detractors have painted him as a Muslim; and, at times, a Communist, therefore an atheist. Whether Christian, Muslim or Atheist, one thing is clear: President Obama knows nothing about voodoo (vodun, vodou, vaudau). Papa Legba and Dhambala are complete blanks to him. 

And to say he should already know ‘because he’s black’ is a totally unnecessary, unwarranted and bigoted, racist remark.

Knowledge of voodoo would give the President  particular insight into dealing with the zombie terrorist threat. However, there are three versions of voodoo: West African, Haitian and American (Louisiana).  Perhaps he could send Vice-President Joe Biden & Secretary of Defense Robert Gates to learn from bokors (priests, shamans, etc) how to immobilize or temporarily control the zombie's body.  An example of bokor control of the zombie is found in the film 'Weekend At Bernie's 2'.

I'd assume that he would send them to Louisiana, as it houses the American form of voodoo. Haiti is still in a shambles after the recent earthquake, and there are still signs of discontent in West Africa. The loa (l'wha, lwa) are still in a state of agitation at either place.

If the bokors are pleased, they may present Secretary Gates with the necessary mojo needed for interim control of the zombie terrorists.  One could postulate that, if successful, bokors may be incorporated into the Department Of Defense to specifically deal with zombie terrorists as a new form of Special Forces group, working in conjunction with more prosaic military units.  It’s also possible that the bokors will in time become part of every counterinsurgery and counterterrorist fighting unit.  If the former, their unit emblem might be a decapitated and bleeding chicken being held over the body of a terrorist.


Special commendations and medals may also be struck, with Congressional assent, to acknowledge the efficacy of bokor actions in the ‘War On Terror’.  Whether they would be budgeted under the DOD or CIA is a matter I leave to those more qualified.

There are other reasons for seeking aid from Louisiana bokors. Conservatives and right-wing extremists would be up in arms yet again, this time at the thought of liberals disdaining 'good ol' American voodoo' and deigning instead to learn it from 'furriners'. It would be seen as another indication that the President is in collusion with the United Nations to form a one-world government, and it would also be a sign that the 'Damn Yankees' were again looking down on the noble 'Sons of the South'.  Teabaggers would want to ‘take our bokors back’, and new conspiracies would arise through charismatics such as Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.

The downside is that Louisiana and the Gulf States are already receiving a great deal of attention, thanks to BP, Halliburton and friends. . .although the visit could be 'managed' into a political op for dealing with the oil rig/oil spill crisis.

I quite think the President has enough political problems already without adding to them, especially if FOX News learns of his intentions.  However, I must admit it would get Joe out of his hair for a while. . .

Once one postulates the zombie terrorist threat, it becomes clear that a large part of the GWOT Dept of Defense budget to date has been spent in ammunition alone, which has heretofore proven ineffective in halting this menace. This is the mentality of the high school football coach: "Yer gonna keep running that play till ya get it right."

This is a flawed strategy, which is speedily draining the American coffers. A different way must be found. My analysis indicates that, over time, the least expensive method of dealing with the zombie terrorist threat is a crash program into new methods of propulsion into space.  Rocketry as it exists is based on principles over 1000 years old, and there must be better alternatives.  And, for all the problems associated with this method, it is much cheaper and attainable than the only viable alternative, which would be imprisoning the zombies in the core of the Earth.

Lanceur en ZL

At present, we don't even have the technology to get past the crust, which varies from only 20 to 25 miles in thickness. There would then be another 4,000 thousand miles to go, through the molten mantle and into the core, which is composed of pure metallic iron.   Among other difficulties, there would be definite problems drilling through pure iron; and, as already stated, we don't want to help the terrorists by giving them a ready source of iron that could help reconstitute their bodies. Imprisoning them at the Earth's core is thus not recommended.


I had considered yet other means of incapacitation, including imprisonment on the moon, or at one of the LaGrange points nearby, surrounded by hunter-killer craft from a consortium of WASP nations.  However, the conversion of a single WASP to Islam means that he or she would eventually retrieve the codes necessary to nullify the WASP 'stingers' and free the zombie terrorists:  think Denise Richards as 'White She-Devil', in the film 'Undercover Brother'.

Other alternatives were also explored, such as injection into the gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) or towards a red dwarf star such as Wolf 359 or Barnard's Star. In either case, there was a probability that the zombie terrorists would return to plague us within a relatively short timespan.  Thus, the sun.

We should be able to hit such a large target; after all, it's about 870,000 miles across. Even a Predator drone should be able to hit an object that size without collateral damage.


Considering that the sun has another 5 billion years of hydrogen left to burn before entering the iron production cycle, we should have plenty of time (and room) for the storage of zombie terrorists.


Of course, this method would also produce innumerable spinoffs to benefit the American people and humanity in general. The space program has historically been one of the greater generators of beneficent technologies to man in all spheres of life. Therefore this program would have additional benefits to humanity, from health to transportation to entertainment.

Within the sun there would be significant, although not infinite, storage capacity for zombie terrorists, including those presently existing and those which will exist in the future. 

However, as I have already stated, we cannot be complacent. We cannot sit on our laurels and assume the job is done. As we continue to stuff zombie terrorists into the Sun, we must continue to push for technologies that will assist us in their eventual injection and permanent immobilization at the Galactic Core. Otherwise, when the Sun finally begins to expand into a red giant, the zombie terrorists will have fully reformed their bodies, and will be able to ride the expanding surface of the Sun as it begins to consume Mercury, Venus and, yes, the Earth. 


There is  no time to lose.   The Galactic Singularity is our only hope to permanently stop the zombie terrorist threat. Since there is little or no mental activity within the zombie brain, it is unlikely that escape from the event horizon of the collapsar is possible, under current Einsteinian relativistic theories. It is presently believed that all the laws of physics break down at the singularity; what implications this has for zombies, a spiritual manifestation, is also unknowable.

We have no time to waste.

Our children and the American Way of Life depends upon the total eradication of the zombie terrorist threat, no matter where they may be found.





-             patton 

“Good hunting, good luck, and God bless America.”


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