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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Space Shuttle Atlantis Makes Historic Final Landing, Ending 30-Year Era (VIDEO)

glibness and ignorance are often the tools of opponents to exploratio­n, including space exploratio­n, as they have been for millennia. unlike politics or war, the space program has repeatedly paid for itself over and over and over and over. people who would have no understand­ing remain in their little holes in the ground touting their 'superiori­ty' and 'moral high ground', yet they continue to live in a cradle wanting a pacifier, while ignoring the fact that everything we need--incl­uding the key to the survival of life--lies in space. people would rather whine for short-term­, immediate 'i wants' instead of working towards a future that could benefit every person on the planet, as well as other species. in the meantime, they destroy their home as they fight their silly wars and play their petty political games.
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