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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


NASA's Next Mission: Send Astronauts To Asteroid


as far as the tax code, the cuts, and the churches go, i'm in complete agreement.

yet the future DOES depend on going into space. unfortunat­ely, you can't see beyond the immediate. i see in terms of decades and centuries, as well as the immediate.

other countries are, in their own ways, pursuing their goals in space, and will continue to do so. there IS intelligen­t life there, unlike here. i don't want another space race, but i don't want us to be left behind, either.

a large part of the effects of drugs are because of the so-called 'drug war', which after 40 years has resulted in nothing but more addiction and death, by firearms as well as drugs. legalize them, regulate them, and that will go away.

demoraliza­tion is again a result of the ideologies which offer nothing of substance, but take away. the education situation needs to be taken care of, but it can be done without taking away from exploratio­n. space exploratio­n has been critical to understand­ing our problems here, for that matter, global warming being only one.
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