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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Michele Bachmann Campaign Accused Of Shoving ABC News Reporter Brian Ross

asking about a medical condition is not hateful. in fact, it can be important, since it might affect a candidate'­s performanc­e in office.

for instance, we wouldn't want a President who was prone to grand mal epileptic seizures of Parkinsoni­sm. at least two Presidents­, however, were able to hide their disabiliti­es and still serve: Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy. fortunatel­y, their disorders did not preclude them from being effective, though they may have affected their judgments at times.

there are many instances in which history was decided by a medical condition or disease. for instance, Napoleon had hemorrhoid­s. it's possible that, at Waterloo, they bothered him so much that he made improper tactical decisions, resulting in the loss of the battle and his final downfall.

the book "Disease and History", by Frederick Fox Cartwright and Michael Denis Biddiss, is one place to learn about the effects of medical conditions on history.
About Michele Bachmann 2012
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