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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Darrin Ring: FBI Investigates Taped Beating By Tennessee Police

a few months ago, the FBI was in Oregon asking for people to come forward and report police misconduct­. it'd appear that they're checking up in other states, as well. . .which is a good thing, if it can keep local department­s honest.

in a lot of places, they've made it illegal to record police stops by citizens' cell phones, or at least they're trying to make it illegal. i spent 30 years in law enforcemen­t, ten on the street, and i believe that citizens have the right to record stops by the police. misconduct can rear its ugly head quite easily, and i believe that citizens must be protected. the cellphone is one way to do it. police should have their cameras running constantly­; citizens should have the same protection­.

on the other hand, some suspects are also a-holes. while i don't advocate anything like the above video, but sometimes suspects escalate the encounter until it ends up in a bad way. there's a bit of it on both sides, and they should both be watched and dealt with.
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