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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Adam West On Comic-Con, His Fans And Batman's 'Bright Knight' Era

it would have easily happened. however, it was 'Batman & Robin's show', with Kato & the Hornet doing a crossover. . .yet Bruce Lee was the most finely tuned living weapon ever. of COURSE there would be no contest. however, he was a guest on the show, Bruce rejected the idea of losing the fight, and they all had to save face. otherwise Bruce could have just given Burt Ward a 2-3 finger punch and knocked him across the room.

if you check some of the YouTube videos about the show, Burt Ward didn't exactly know what he was in for when he took the role of Robin. he ended up in emergency medical care several times during the first week of his employment­. Adam West verified that Ward got injured quite a lot on the sets.

Bruce Lee, if he'd actually landed a real blow on him, would have put Ward in the hospital for a long, long time.
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