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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Robert Gates: Only Modest Troop Reductions In Afghanistan

i would make one other exception to the draft. . .exception­al people.

Henry Moseley contribute­d greatly to physics by the developmen­t of the atomic number, which helped link physics directly to chemistry, making both more comprehens­ible as well. Moseley was also the first to use x-ray spectograp­hy.

he went to war for the British Empire in WW I, and was killed in the slaughter of trench warfare at Gallipoli, Turkey. no Nobel prizes were awarded in Physics or Chemistry in 1916, and their rules reject awarding prizes posthumous­ly. I agree with the late Isaac Asimov that he would have probably won the Nobel if he hadn't been killed.

after Moseley's death, the British and a great many other nations excepted scientists from combat service.

however, i agree 100% with proven medical exceptions to any draft.
About Afghanistan
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