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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Dana Rohrabacher, U.S. Congressman, Suggests That Iraq Pay Back U.S. For War Cost

the problem is that they already knew exactly what would happen. the 'Gulf War' didn't end; a cease-fire was put up. we also put up two no-fly zones. the war was not formally 'over' until the invasion of 2003.

Dick Cheney himself described what would have happened if we went to Baghdad, back in 1994. over the years, as the neocon movement grew (and the Project for the New American Century got together), he ignored his own words, completely reversing himself in his 1994 statements and favoring an invasion of Iraq.

1994 Clip of a C-SPAN Interview with Dick Cheney


Project for the New American Century


as is, our supposed focus was supposedly on al Qaeda and bin Laden. Rumsfeld let them escape; a justificat­ion for war and the PNAC program is removed if they are defeated. bin Laden and al Qaeda retreated into the background for years as personnel and resources were shifted into Iraq.

Iraq was already a bad situation, but we multiplied every misery they already had in the name of lies.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost