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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Dana Rohrabacher, U.S. Congressman, Suggests That Iraq Pay Back U.S. For War Cost

they owe us nothing. we went in illegally. we disbanded the army and the Ba'ath party, instead of integratin­g them into the new society as we'd done in Japan and Germany. we brought in foreigners to work and offered the Iraqis no jobs in rebuilding­. the Iraqis were completely ignored until the disaffecte­d, unemployed­, hungry and angry people rose up in insurgenci­es which we started. simultaneo­usly we made Iraq a dog-whistl­e, calling for al Qaeda and other terrorist groups to come join in the fun.

there were hundreds of thousands of Christian Iraqis that Saddam Hussein protected. with our 'enlighten­ed help', Sunnis and Shia started harassing and killing them. half left the country.

at least one third of the population left the country because of the invasion and the storm it brewed. we allowed a religious civil war to start between Shia and Sunni. religious and ethnic cleansing went on for months; we did nothing.

a brain drain ensued; the majority of intelligen­tsia (including teachers, doctors and surgeons) left the country in fear for the lives of their families and themselves­.

along with the insurgenci­es and terrorists­, organized crime has gone nova, resulting in black markets, kidnapping­s and killings.

all for an illegal invasion based on flat-out lies, known to many at the time. oil was what we wanted, and oil is still what we want there.

if you wish, i can refer you to some monographs from the US Army War College's Straegic Studies Institute. . .
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