ty is a religion. saying it's not is as absurd as the concept some Christians have that atheism is a religion, and that atheism requires 'faith'. your version, as you describe it, is a far more spiritual form, but it's still a portion of the rainbow that is the Christian religion.
it has been influenced
, as was Judaism, by Zoroastria
nism, and later Mithraism, and other faiths. it's evolved by picking up customs, holy places and figures (ex: saints) from previous religions as it spread, and continues to do so. according to one of the books in my library at home, there are no less than twenty parallels and correspond
ences between Zoroastria
nism and Christiani
ty. and i've not even mentioned the Gnostics.
and, while you yourself may be a reasonable
, good person who takes comfort in one of the great faiths, rejoicing and practicing it daily, there are others who call themselves 'Christian
', who seek to force everyone to their limited worldview and take control of the government
. they cannot abide people who do not believe as they do. if they see you as a threat, they would make you an enemy as much as they would me.
i would ask that you do some research. 'Dominioni
sm' and 'Reconstru
ctionism' are two good terms to search for. study them a bit and ask how they relate to you and your relationsh
ip with God and Jesus. it may move you to action, it may not, but i do ask that you become informed.
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