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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Egypt Church Explosion: Injuries Reported After Blast Outside New Year's Mass

al Qaeda worries about 'good PR' because terrorism relies more on approval from one's own people, and the world (in this case, the world of Islam) than it does on force.

PR is probably more important to an insurgent or terrorist group than actual violence. violence can be minimal, but its effect is vastly amplified when promoted by media.

while force is used, it's used strategica­lly and carefully. a terrorist group has neither the membership nor resources to defeat an army, so we have attacks like these. publicizin­g them promotes their cause, as does any 'good works' they can perform for the people that legitimate government­s can't.

Hamas in Lebanon is a good example of a terrorist group that's gained legitimacy by its people, through providing services that former government couldn't.

we also have a worldwide 24-hour mass communicat­ions media. peace and quiet and stability don't make news; conflict and strife, the bizarre and the shocking make news. media outlets worldwide pick up these reports; by broadcasti­ng them, they unwittingl­y give exposure (and possibly legitimacy­) to terrorist groups.
About Egypt
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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