ZiloRS, while i agree with most of your points (and Tyrannasarus'), i would say that there is some real history in the Bible; specifically, in Exodus.
i've been keeping up with reports now and then about the eruption of Thera/Santorini, in the northern Aegean. it would appear to have happened about the time of the Exodus from Egypt. i've reposted stories about this at Newsvine and Care2.
if you know about the Krakatoa explosion from history, think of it as a brick thrown into a pond.
now, think about the Mediterranean; far smaller. the explosion of Thera was also vastly more powerful than that of Krakatoa. it would have been like throwing a brick into a bathtub of water. all the effects of the explosion would have been magnified.
that entire region is very highly active tectonically, even now.
it's my belief--partially confirmed by some studies over the past three decades--that the explosion of Thera could account for all the ten plagues of the Bible and more.
it resulted in the collapse of the Minoan Civilization and sent survivors in all directions, becoming known as the Sea Peoples by the Egyptians and the Philistines of the Old Testament.
i believe that that much will slowly but surely be confirmed in time.
of course, the Hebrews were interpreting that activity in light of their culture and technology, not ours. a very weird time.
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