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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


Ground Zero Mosque Opponents React Hysterically To Bloomberg Endorsement

1. i suspect glitches in the site. for a couple of days, any posts i wanted to share were not shared with other sites (Twitter, Blogger, etc).

2. i've grown up around discrimination, racism and prejudice all my life. if 99% of the cases it has been the straight white male coming down on everyone else: women, other races, other religions. i get tired of the long delusion that someone is better than anyone else just because they're white. just as blacks use the "N-word" between each other, i have no qualms about using "whiteboy" where it applies.

3, i've never read anything stating that Jefferson had anything personal aginst the religion of Islam in general. His administration took care of the Barbary pirates, but i have yet to see statements from his writings that were considered a blanket indictment. it is probably nothing to what he felt about Christianity: 'The Jefferson Bible' is still sold; it might prove illuminating.

4. as far as ideology goes, i admit to being anti-white in that i reject religious idolatry, the prosperity gospel, fearmongering, racial and religious discrimination, isolationism, CINOs, homophobia, 'the one true faith', scapegoating, demagoguery, and assorted trash which has been fostered on the world and its peoples.

i reject ignorance, fear and hypocrisy, which seems to be the trend of this country, most especially for the past ten years. and the vast majority has been coming from whites in this country who fear everyone and everything else.
About Michael Bloomberg
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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