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former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


A Different Take On 911 (originally ‘A New Take On 911’)

911 i will not forget (2)



Forget everything you know about 911. Never mind the government statements, never mind the conspiracy theories, never mind anything else on either side of the fence.

There are only two simple words that need to be considered: BUILDING SEVEN.

Around 430 that evening, Building Seven came down. It was a perfect textbook example of a planned demolition. The building itself was half as tall as the twin towers, three times the size of the largest building in my town (a coed university dorm).

40-50 stories is not an insignificant building height. Maybe in New York City; not in most of the country.

The man in charge of the complex*  stated--and this was shown on a PBS NOVA special--that they "had decided to bring the building down".

(Run with me on this--I'm going by memory, which is as imperfect as the rest of me--so I don't have names and dates. But there are plenty of websites and such that HAVE documented this, and have copies of the info.)

Now, let's use the brain cells God gave us for a change; after six or so years, it might finally be possible. God's already disappointed in humans because they won't use them, anyway. . .

To provide minimal disruption and maximum safety, explosive charges must be very carefully measured and defined. It takes a definite amount of time to do this. Numerous calculations and measurements have to be made; they will be checked and rechecked, over and over, until they are right.

A group of specially qualified explosives technicians/engineers/whatever must locate the precise points in the building in question, in order to safely place the charges. I've also no doubt that each time a building is demolished, all types of bureaucratic paperwork has to be filed to comply with local, state and federal regulations and laws, not to mention the alerting of all emergency services. It couldn't be otherwise in a metropolis. And there's probably even more to it.

Hell, I used to have such problems workin' at my police department just dealing with water crews having to dig to repair leaks, and getting natural gas lines cut off during those repairs. Going through questions of explosives use, traffic disruption and such usually took longer than the actual repairs. That's in a city of about 5,000 (not counting University population).

Then you think about bureaucracy in New York City.

Before anything can be done to demolish a building like this, paperwork and communications would of necessity have to be filed with a great many agencies; again, in New York City, most likely filed with local, state and federal agencies, dependent on the nature of the building. It would of necessity be different for a building on Wall Street or the WTC than for a run-down slum on 2-room shack.

Days or weeks of preparation would be necessary in selecting a firm to perform the demolition (including bidding & contracting). This would be followed by the firm selected surveying the building, locating the right stress points--again, depending on location and type--and calculating and placing the amounts of explosives to be used. Blueprints would of course be accessed, but not decisive on their own; pictures at inception don't show what's happened over 2-3 decades.

And you're telling me that all this was done within six or seven hours of the fall of the Twin Towers?  If that's the case, it only proves my point: Americans are the most ignorant, fearful, frightened, paranoid & reactionary culture in the world, and cows and sheep have infinitely more will and intelligence.

. . .I don't have to mention anything else about the entire incident; those two little words are enough:  Building Seven. . .

The charges could not have been put in place on that day unless Jesus hissef did it with a snap of the fingers.  And some people probably would believe that, considering the nature of our culture.

I call 'em as I see 'em, and I'm fully aware that I can be wrong. I've been wrong a helluva lotta times before, and I'll be wrong a lot more 'fore God decides it's time. And I expect anyone, from anywhere, to slap me down when I am wrong.

But there is no way that Building Seven could have been taken down without preknowledge, in New York and Washington, of what was going to happen. Even if a buncha Federal offices (CIA, FBI, etc) weren't in Building Seven, its nature was such that DC would still have to be informed.

Flatly stated, the United States Government at minimum knew what was going to happen, and let it happen.  At maximum--God help us--they caused it.

And I don't like either choice.

What occurred on 911's the perfect precipitating incident the neocons needed for the overthrow of the entire Mideast (see The Project for the New American Century **), and trying to succeed where the French and British failed after WW I. It was the perfect excuse for doing away with the United States as it exists,  a federated republic with limited representational democracy.

(Read the Federalist & AntiFederalist Papers, among others. If that's too much, try the Constitution. If it's still too much, go read a Harry Potter or romance novel, because you've reached your level of political incompetence.)

911, as an event in these spacetime coordinates, became a perfect way of concentrating all power in the Executive branch, when the Founders (like 'em or not) had envisioned Congress as the premiere branch of government.

It's also a perfect example of one of our perennial wartime strategies: let someone else strike the first blow (check yer history).

And with the recurring religious hysteria Americans are prone to, which usually cycles every 25 years of so, ya got lotsa sheep & lotsa cannon fodder to be manipulated. Religion's a great damned way to manipulate people, because if it's used right, people won't be able to think--just feel.

And feelings can be channeled very easily. Reason's basically a one-to-one relationship, but emotion can affect an entire group simultaneously; mob hysteria's not an urban legend. Been done for thousands of years, but agin, ya'd haveta read yer history.

And, of course, almost everyone fell for it.

Notice that I've said nothing about the Twin Towers, nothing about the films, videos, reports; virtually nothing from either side of the controversy. I only focused on the "smoking gun", the one rose in a field of crabgrass.


Now. . .whatcha gonna do about it?

(* I have not yet reviewed the PBS documentary for his name.)

originally posted as a comment to news story -
"9/11 Commission Ignored Firefighter's Account of Explosions Inside WTC"; reposted on
Saturday, September 08, 2007 at

(** The Project For The New American Century was taken down by its personnel; archived copies of the site and associated information may be found at the Wayback Machine and Wikipedia.)

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