
My photo
former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


"Since you've been gone, I shut my eyes and I fatansize that you're here with me. . .will you ever return. . ?"

Cops: Legalize Drugs to Stop Mexican Military Corruption and Deaths

WASHINGTON, DC -- Today a group of law enforcement officials said that the only way to stop the continual corruption of the Mexican military by violent cartels is to legalize and regulate drugs. The call for an end to prohibition comes in response to news that an army officer in Mexican's presidential guard received $100,000 a month from the cartels in exchange for information on the whereabouts of the country's president, Felipe Calderon.
Cops: Legalize Drugs to Stop Mexican Military Corruption and Deaths


FAS Releases Survey Results on the Attitudes of Scientists Toward Law Enforcement

WASHINGTON DC – A survey conducted by the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) revealed that while scientists are disposed to assist in criminal investigations, they often fear working with law enforcement agencies. The survey questions were designed to evaluate the working relationship between FBI field agents and scientists, and the results, published on 22 December 2008 in Science Progress, indicate a reluctance to discuss research with law enforcement and other issues that are specific to the science community.
FAS Releases Survey Results on the Attitudes of Scientists Toward Law Enforcement


"how i wish, how i wish you were here. . .we're just two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl, year after year. . ."
'down by the river. . . i shot my baby. . .down by the river. . .'


North American Internet vs. Japanese Internet. . .


"Things happened." - William Clyde Dukenfield, aka W.C. Fields


. . .already been up 48 hours. . . spent about 12 hours of it on foot in 15-degree F weather. . .and i still have to be up another 48 hours. . .just like home; this is a tough one. . .


The journey of a thousand miles starts with getting a ride to the damned bus station. . .


another envelope of alerts received today from Amnesty International. . .and it was crudely opened, as they have been for two years. . .


A simple, caring touch is worth more than all the riches of the world. . .


i feel very, very damned cold right now. . .and it's not from the weather. . .


Pentagon hires British scientist to help build robot soldiers that 'won't commit war crimes'

Pentagon hires British scientist to help build robot soldiers that 'won't commit war crimes'

The American military is planning to build robot soldiers that will not be able to commit war crimes like their human comrades in arms.

Military contractor in Iraq holds foreign workers in warehouses

BAGHDAD — About 1,000 Asian men who were hired by a Kuwaiti subcontractor to the U.S. military have been confined for as long as three months in windowless warehouses near the Baghdad airport without money or a place to work.
Military contractor in Iraq holds foreign workers in warehouses
. . .reading one of my copies of Sun Tzu's 'Art of War' yet again. . .if only that dummy Clausewitz had read it. . .