
My photo
former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


have you ever been lonely?
do you have any fun?
do you ever think of me?
i'm just another one. . .


well, someone ripped apart one of my books on weather forecasting. . .thank God they didn't get to the medical pathology or archaeoastronomy books. . .


The fastest lift
. . .steady as she goes. . .
Spirituality Protects Against Depression Better Than Church Attendance

Spirituality Protects Against Depression Better Than Church Attendance

Those who worship a higher power often do so in different ways. Whether they are active in their religious community, or prefer to simply pray or meditate, new research out of Temple University suggests that a person's religiousness – also called religiosity – can offer insight into their risk for depression.
Substantial Proportion of Female Veterans Report Military Sexual Trauma

Substantial Proportion of Female Veterans Report Military Sexual Trauma

According to preliminary research results from the Department of Veterans Affairs, approximately 15 percent of recently returned female veterans utilizing the VA health care system report experiencing sexual trauma during military service.


U.S. Suicide Rate Increasing; Largest Increase Seen In Middle-aged White Women

The rate of suicide in the United States is increasing for the first time in a decade, according to a new report from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's Center for Injury Research and Policy.

Patients Seek Financial Aid to Buy Medicine

As the slowing economy swells the ranks of the unemployed -- and uninsured -- more people are getting help from prescription-drug assistance programs normally aimed at providing medications to the poorest Americans.
Patients Seek Financial Aid to Buy Medicine

Parents in U.S. Can't Always Pay to Cover Kids, Study Says

More than a fourth of uninsured children in the U.S. have a parent with health coverage, according to a study whose authors said it shows private insurance is too expensive for many working families.
Parents in U.S. Can't Always Pay to Cover Kids, Study Says
Next president to face 'daunting' threats

Next president to face 'daunting' threats

No matter who wins the White House, Democrat Barack Obama or Republican John McCain, he’ll be confronted immediately with a series of serious wartime challenges complicated by the worldwide economic meltdown.
. . .

The IDF's New Response Policy vis--vis Hizbollah: How Viable is It?

A lively discussion has developed recently concerning the IDF's new response policy in the event of a renewed confrontation with Hizbollah. An article in Haaretz by Amos Harel; an interview given by GOC Northern Command Gadi Eizencout to Yediot Ahronot; the INSS Insight of early October by Gabriel Siboni; and a forthcoming piece in Strategic Assessment by Giora Eiland are among the recent forums for this debate.
The IDF's New Response Policy vis-à-vis Hizbollah: How Viable is It?
What would you give up for another?
What would you sacrifice for a complete stranger?


Terrorist 'tweets'? US Army warns of Twitter dangers

A draft US Army intelligence report has identified the popular micro-blogging service Twitter, Global Positioning System maps and voice-changing software as potential terrorist tools.
Terrorist 'tweets'? US Army warns of Twitter dangers
Eight die in US attack inside Syria: official media
Cameras Capture Fireball In The Sky
Cholera epidemic kills 200 in Guinea-Bissau: UN agencies
7 Puget Sound killer whales feared dead


Operating mode: category anthropological overdrive, subdivision psychoanalysis. Don't screw with me unless you want your neuroses exposed. . .
. . .damn. . .i already have 54 social homepages alone. . .and i'm still getting invitations to others. . .
Police search for evangelist's alleged enforcer

Police search for evangelist's alleged enforcer

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Seth Calagna recalled lying on the Fort Smith warehouse floor, feeling every strike of the board against his backside as blood oozed onto the winter-cooled concrete.

Calagna told detectives months later that John Erwin Kolbeck, an alleged enforcer for jailed evangelist Tony Alamo, paused after 20 strikes to order another ministry member to pull off the 17-year-old's pants and thermals. Kolbeck slammed the wooden board against the teen's underwear and bare skin until the board finally broke, according to a police report.

Police: McCain volunteer made up robbery story

PITTSBURGH – A McCain campaign volunteer made up a story of being robbed, pinned to the ground and having the letter "B" scratched on her face in what she had said was a politically inspired attack, police said Friday.
Police: McCain volunteer made up robbery story
Another dragging death in Texas raises tensions

Another dragging death in Texas raises tensions

PARIS, Texas – In a gruesome case with powerful echoes of the dragging death of James Byrd a decade ago, a black man was killed underneath a pickup truck in East Texas and two white men have been charged with murder.
. . .talk about a masterful decption campaign. . .
The Elephant's No Longer in the Room

The Elephant's No Longer in the Room

Jeez, who’s next, Cindy McCain? What with ex-Bush press secretary Scott McClellan's endorsment of Obama, the initial trickle of high-profile Republicans coming out for the Democratic candidate has become something of a steady stream. Rats deserting a sinking ship or principled patriots putting country before party? Here’s a guide to other recent defections.
The Elephant's No Longer in the Room
. . .i haven't seen a disinformation campaign like this since the early 70's. . .
or maybe Calderon's 'La Vida Es Sueno'. . .maybe even Kafka. . .
. . .i've been living in a Robert Anton Wilson novel. . .most probably
Masks of the Illuminati'. . .dammit. . .
. . .Lords and Ladies of Light and Darkness. . .i fell in love with Sybil. . .


A simple. caring touch is worth more than all the riches of the worlds. . .

Former Bush press secretary backs Obama

Scott McClellan, President Bush's former press secretary who angered old colleagues with a tell-all book earlier this year, said Thursday he is backing Barack Obama for president.
Former Bush press secretary backs Obama


. . .i get very, very weary of living out religious, mythological, and archetypal themes, stories, koans and parables. . .
Sayonara, Nagaraboshi-chan. . .shire. . .anata-wa nekko-chan kami hi. . .daisuke desu, Nagaraboshi. . .sayonara. . .


Sayonara, Raimei-chan. . .anata-wa nekko-chan kami chi oni-sama. . .daisuke desu, Raimei oni-sama. . .sayonara. .


Sayonara, Kiri-chan. . .anata-wa nekko-chan kami mazu. . .daisuke desu, aka-chan Kiri. . .sayonara. . .
. . this afternoon, i laid to rest another part of my soul. . .


i had always thought i lived in hell,
i thought it dark and cold.
i thought i knew all the pain within;
i know better now that i'm old.

for one day as i was studying,
a spirit appeared to me;
something i had never seen before,
nor thought could ever be.

a spirit of the air she was,
with eyes of fiery green;
sunbeams of reddish flame were her hair,
the like i'd never seen.

a delicately graceful butterfly,
a goddess of red and green;
she flew towards me from out of the sky,
a vision of beauty extreme.

she appeared and alit before me,
and shyly, she implored,
she wanted nothing more from me
than my body and mind and soul.

she lived withiin the woods and fields,
she did no animal harm;
all that lived beyond the pale of man
fell prey to her joyous innocent charm.

she loved to romp and frolic,
and enjoyed the storms and rain,
with wind and lightning crashing 'round her,
as she merrily danced and played.

i fell in love with the spirit,
and willingly gave to her
all that i was and am and ever could be,
because she held me with her allure.

we talked and spoke and shared the dreams
and thoughts of infinity;
we spoke to each other night and day
in terms of eternity.

day turned to night, and i fell and fell
ever deeper in love with her;
i had nothing else in mind or heart;
there was only her, 'twas sure.

my heart had been enraptured
by sylphan green and faery gold;
i never wanted to leave her side, and
with her alone grow old.

but one must always tread warily
where spirits are involved;
one never knows what might interest them next;
and you may just be disavowed.

one night i went to meet her,
as we had done for nights and days;
she never did appear to me,
and i waited all night in the haze.

for days and nights and weeks
i searched, but did not find;
i looked through hill and dale and fields and forests,
and treacherous mountainous climes.

the spirit returned to other pursuits,
losing all interest in me. . .
was it real, an illusion, a game or ploy,
or merely a fantasy?

left in doubt, i wonder;
i see nothing else but her.
my days and nights and all my life are spent
only in wanting her.

the spirit had left her mark on me,
in sylphan green and faery red;
she was as good as her promise to me,
as she took my heart and my soul and my head.

i had thought that i had lived in hell;
i know better, now that i'm old:
for i fell in love with a spirit
of emerald green and reddish gold. . .