
My photo
former US Marine, retired police; in other words, professional babysitter. "Ah's jes' th' ign'nt sonuva po' ol' shahcroppah, yas ah is. . ."


America's Four Middle Classes
a new demotivator!
Unidentified Beast Washes Ashore in Jersey
Internet Addiction Growing Around The World
Aide to U.S. Senator Jim Webb found dead from apparent gunshot wound


Al-Qaeda expert re-killed by CIA
Pentagon study says Bush's "war on terror" off target (Naw. . .really??)
STRATCOM Cancels Controversial Preemption Strike Plan

Bizarre Legal Theory Formulated By White Supremacists Takes Root In Baltimore Ghettos

How black Baltimore drug dealers are
using white supremacist legal
theories to confound the Feds.
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)


Planting Seeds & The Kind Foundation: "I Stand for PEACE in OUR Lifetime"

Why Dog Condoms™?

Even PETA will tell you plainly that mutilating your pet is wrong. Whether it’s cropping the ears, clipping the tail, or declawing your ferocious feline; putting your prized pet under the knife to suit your humanly purposes is austerely inhumane. So with that obvious knowledge in your quiver, why would you even dream of getting your dog spayed or neutered?


Former "Bush Puppet" Iraqi PM Calls for US Withdrawal
"Victory in Afghanistan Is Impossible"


New NASA 'Fire And Smoke' Web Page Shows Latest Fire Views, Research
I'd like to wrap her in velvet. . .does anyone know her name?
Some call her sister of the moon, some say illusion was her game. . .
Are 400,000 Terrorists, 44 Terrorist Groups, and Five State Sponsors of Terror Trying to Attack the United States?

Are 400,000 Terrorists, 44 Terrorist Groups, and Five State Sponsors of Terror Trying to Attack the United States?

After having begun a series of investigative stories criticizing the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in May 2008, CNN reporter Drew Griffin reports being placed with more than a million other names on TSA’s swollen terrorism watch list.


i'm getting very goddamned tired of every wireless connection in town going in and out every few seconds. . .i'm getting a migraine from the heat, too. . .


Ruling Gives South Dakota Doctors a Script to Read

CHICAGO -- In a victory for antiabortion forces, doctors in South Dakota are now required to tell a woman seeking an abortion that the procedure "will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique living human being."

Library confrontation points up privacy dilemma

RANDOLPH, Vt. - Children's librarian Judith Flint was getting ready for the monthly book discussion group for 8- and 9-year-olds on "Love That Dog" when police showed up.
Library confrontation points up privacy dilemma

Covert ops in Iran

Contrary to claims of taking a more diplomatic approach with Iran, the Bush administration has significantly expanded US covert operations against the Islamic republic courtesy of a $400 million budget approved by Congress last year, thus foreshadowing preparations for war.
Declaration of the No-Kill Movement in the United States


The name of the Justice Department's former top criminal prosecutor turned up on the government's terror watch list.
Ashcroft Testifies on Interrogation Policy
Congress, Overriding Bush, Blocks Pay Cut for Doctors


Their Son Already Jailed, Couple Faces Police Raid on Home


Texas leads nation in abstinence education dollars
Brightest Star in the Galaxy Has New Competition


Energy Expert: Poverty Stricken Don't 'Give a Damn' About Warming
If Osama bin Laden consciously set out to lure the United States into an ever-widening, never-ending and militarily unwinnable war, President George W. Bush is providing exactly the war the bearded one wanted.

Prosecutor flagged by US terror watch list

The Justice Department's former top criminal prosecutor says the government's terror watch list likely has caused thousands of innocent Americans to be questioned, searched or otherwise hassled. Former Assistant Attorney General Jim Robinson would know: he's one of them.

U.S. terrorism watch list tops 1 million

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. watch list of terrorism suspects has passed 1 million records, corresponding to about 400,000 people, and a leading civil rights group said on Monday the number was far too high to be effective.
"I am the Astro-Creep A demolition-style-hell American Freak, yeah. . ."
The Internet is for Porn - Sesame Street Style!

Reviews How Terrorism Paranoia Killed 1,600 Americans in 2002


How Terrorism Paranoia Killed 1,600 Americans in 2002

In the aftermath of 9/11, many Americans were so afraid of flying that they chose to drive instead.
"Ai ya yo, shake your foundations. . .Ai ya yo, shake 'em to the ground. . ."
The Existenialist Cowboy rides again!
listening to Hawkwind. . .from the mid-70's. . .'The Winds of Change'. . .how very, very damned apt. . .
The Pentagon’s Doomsday Men
United Nations Foundation (global problems-global solutions)


something of a new type of social network. . .
Bush Homeland Security Aide Caught On Tape Offering High-Level Access For Donations To Bush Library
Penn & Teller on Government Surveillance. . .

British soldiers accused of sickening sex assault on Iraqi boy, 14

Just days after the MoD has to pay out millions to the father of a man UK soldiers beat to death, fresh claims of abuse emerge

Yoo Won’t Answer Whether President Can Bury Detainees Alive»

(video)The authors of the Bush administration’s torture policies, David Addington and John Yoo, are testifying before the House Judiciary Committee. . .

FBI Investigating Dead Fowl in Front of U.S. Capitol

The FBI is investigating what may have caused a dozen ducks to die in a large reflecting pool in front of the U.S. Capitol.
Asteroid 2008 BT18 is gliding past Earth this weekend and astronomers have just discovered that it is a binary system.


A Blind Eye to Guantanamo?

Pull Up A Chair, Mr. Rove

Karl Rove had never been so agreeable. The former chief strategist to President Bush was the only witness listed on the agenda for yesterday's meeting of the House Judiciary Committee, and he proved to be uncharacteristically contained.


News agency says missile-test photo digitally changed

An editor who transmitted an apparently doctored photo of an Iranian missile test published around the world said Thursday the gaffe shows that news organizations must be careful about using government handouts.


Saying Good-Bye: Pet Funerals for Cats

"You have countless happy memories. You have photos, toys, beds, bowls, and collars. Most importantly, you have a special place in your heart which will always belong to that unforgettable cat. . ."
Search Twitter in realtime — more conversations coming soon!
Internet flaw could let hackers take over the Web
Iraq: When resettlement stats show betrayal

Iraq: When resettlement stats show betrayal

Commentary by Erlend Paasche for the ISN Security Watch (08/07/2008)


The Superstitious Right Fights Good Science on Global Warming

"We live in the most astonishing of times, politically speaking. And I don't mean that as a compliment."

Prototype Remote-Activated Wrist Stun-Device Shocks You For Aeroplane Security

This is what our Department of homeland Security wants. . .bad enough airplanes are basically cattle cares nowadays.Now they'll be able to 'prod' anyone into line.
Prototype Remote-Activated Wrist Stun-Device Shocks You For Aeroplane Security


Cause for Alarm

"The symbols of patriotism - bumper stickers and those flags the size of baseball fields - have taken the place of the hard work and sacrifice required to keep a great nation great. You know that matters have gotten out of hand when, as we learned this week, American instructors at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, gave classes on torture techniques used by the Communists to extract false testimony from American prisoners during the Korean War."
Ransom claim in Ingrid Betancourt release

Ransom claim in Ingrid Betancourt release

Ingrid Betancourt arrived in France today after being held captive for six years in the Colombian jungle, amid claims that a ransom was paid to free her.The Colombian government said that she was freed in an audacious operation after the military tricked Farc into handing the French-Colombian politician over without a shot being fired. Betancourt's assertions are true, then the United States is once again responsible (at least in part) for the setting up of false 'heroic rescues' and similar phenomena. We should not forget that intitial reports from Iraq claimed that Kurdish forces captured Saddam Hussein, who then turned him over to Coalition forces. Neither should we forget the Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch affairs.


Want some torture with your peanuts? senior government official with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has expressed great interest in a so-called safety bracelet that would serve as a stun device, similar to that of a police Taser®. According to this promotional video found at the Lamperd Less Lethal website, the bracelet would be worn by all airline passengers.
Want some torture with your peanuts?
Afghan children 'forgotten victims' of war: UN

Afghan children 'forgotten victims' of war: UN

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) says children in Afghanistan suffer more than in any other country in the world from violence, war and poverty.
Celebrity Passport Records Popular

Celebrity Passport Records Popular

Government workers repeatedly snooped without authorization inside the electronic passport records of entertainers, athletes and other high-profile Americans, a State Department audit has found. One celebrity's records were breached 356 times by more than six dozen people.

"A Decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind ..."

Irony abounds in President George W. Bush's decision to speak at Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson, on the last July 4th that he will occupy the Oval Office.

Judge Rejects Bush’s View on Wiretaps

A federal judge in California said Wednesday that the wiretapping law established by Congress was the “exclusive” means for the president to eavesdrop on Americans, and he rejected the government’s claim that the president’s constitutional authority as commander in chief trumped that law.
Where terrorists take most hostages

Taking prisoners

Where terrorists take most hostages
Judge Orders Google to Turn Over YouTube Records

Judge Orders Google to Turn Over YouTube Records

San Francisco - A federal judge in New York has ordered Google to turn over to Viacom a database linking users of YouTube, the Web's largest video site by far, with every clip they have watched there.


Spanish Parliament Committee Votes To Recognize Great Ape Rights
U.S. Traveler Advisory: Where in the World Is the Welcome Mat Still Out?

U.S. Traveler Advisory: Where in the World Is the Welcome Mat Still Out?
Does the United States have a free press and a healthy democracy?

Does the United States have a free press and a healthy democracy?
Christian Site's Ban on 'G' Word Sends Homosexual to Olympics

Christian Site's Ban on 'G' Word Sends Homosexual to Olympics
Will the 2008 election be President Bush's long-awaited accountability moment?

Bush's Accountability Moment?

Will the 2008 election be President Bush's long-awaited accountability moment?